Resolution on the OECD Offer and the General Scheme of Preferences

CM/Res. 215 (XIV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in i ts Fourteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 27 February to 6 March 1970,

Having studied the document presented by the Secretariat (CM/316 Part 5),

Recalling resolution CM/Res.157 (IX) adopted by the Council of Ministers and the Assembly of Heads of State on the Second UNCTAD,

Aware of the importance of the question of preferences to the African countries,

Realizing that the preliminary offers presented by the OECD countries do not reflect the hopes of the developing countries stated in UNCTAD meetings and specially the New Delhi Conference,

Reiterates its support for the views expressed by the developing countries in the Charter of Algiers and the meetings of the Special Committee on Preferences as well as the Third and Fourth OAU/ECA joint meetings regarding the general scheme of preference,

  1. URGES THE DECELOPED countries to reconsider their offers with a view to improving them in order to meet the needs of all developing countries and specially the least developed among them;

  1. CALLS upon the OECD countries to continue their work on the preferences with a view to presenting a harmonious and detailed document;

  1. CALLS ON AFRICAN GOVERNMENTS to provide the ECA Secretariat as a matter of urgency, with all the data on their international trade, to enable it to assess the implications of the OECD offers for their Trade and Development;

  1. REQUESTS the OAU/ECA joint meeting to study the offers objectively on a - product-by-product basis to evaluate the benefits that would be derived from them;

  1. REQUESTS FURTHER the OAU/ECA experts meeting which will take place some time in mid 1970, to draw up an African Stand on the question of preferences.

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