Resolution on Africa and UNCTAD

CM/Res. 220 (XV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 24 to 31 August 1970,

Having studied the report submitted by the Secretariat ECOSOC/8 (I) on the General Non - reciprocal and Non-discriminatory System of Preferences and the OECD Offers,

Recalling Resolution 21 (II) in UNCTAD II on the Main Objectives of the Scheme of General Preferences and Res. BM/215 (XIV) passed by the Council of Ministers on the OECD Offers,

Recalling also the relevant provisions of the Charter of Algiers, Reaffirming the need for solidarity among the developing countries,

Noting that the developed countries have not yet submitted a harmonized and detailed version of their provisional offers,

  1. REAFFIRMS its support to the principle of establishing a General Scheme of Preferences;

  1. CALLS on the developed countries to implement Resolution 27 (II) of the Second UNCTAD related to the target of transferring one per cent of their GNP in the form o f financial aid to the developing countries as soon as possible and, at any rate, not later than 1972,

  1. AFFIRMS its support for a ministerial meeting of the group of 77 to precede the Third UNCTAD which is likely to be held in 1972,

  1. RECOMMENDS that an African Ministerial meeting should precede the meeting of the Group of 77 and the Third UNCTAD, to discuss all matters likely to by put on the agenda of both meetings and to harmonize African views on all points and in particular the issue of preferences,

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU and the Executive Secretary of the ECA to take all the necessary steps towards convening this African meeting and to give the meeting all the necessary help needed to accomplish its aim,

  1. REQUESTS the Secretariat during the next session of the Council of Ministers to present a report on the follow-up of this Resolution.

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