Resolution on Inter-African Technical Assistance

CM/Res. 225 (XV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 24 to 31 August 1970,

Having studied the document presented by the Administrative Secretary General of OAU on inter-African technical assistance;

Recalling its Resolutions CM/Res.163 (XI) and CM/Res.195 (XIII) of the Eleventh and Thirteenth Sessions respectively on inter-African technical assistance;

Noting the difficulties encountered by the General Secretariat in its endeavours to ensure the successful survival of OAU’s programme of inter -African technical assistance;

  1. REVIEWS its appeal to all Member States to intensify their co -operation with the General Secretariat of OAU and the Executive Secretariat of ECA, by furnishing them, inter alia with information regarding the trained staff available to them or whom they might need,

  1. APPEALS to Member States offering employment to ensure that these offers be accompanied by particulars regarding the general conditions of employment and to inform the Administrative Secretary General of follow-up action in this matter.

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