Resolution on the Activities of the African Group at the United Nations

CM/Res. 233 (XV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 24 to 31 August 1970,

Aware of the importance of the work performed by the African Group and the Executive Secretariat in seeking solutions to African and international problems.

Having regard to the effectiveness of the African Group and the role of the Executive Secretariat in co-ordinating African diplomacy at the United Nations,

Desirous of ensuring the inviolability of the promises of the Executive Secretariat and of guaranteeing the security of OAU Officers in New York,

Recalling its Resolutions CM/Res.8 (I) of August 1963, CM/Res.54 (IV) of March 1965, CM/Res.121 (IX) of September 1967 and CM/Res.204 (XIII) of September 1969,

  1. NOTES with satisfaction the report on the activities of the African Group at the United Nations,

  1. AGAIN RECOMMENDS to Member States to give their representatives adequate instructions to ensure implementation of Resolutions adopted by the OAU and as f ar as possible further instructions allowing some latitude, to enable the African Group to adopt a common stand on matter submitted to it,

  1. REQUESTS the African Group to take the necessary steps

    1. to strengthen African representation in decision-making posts in the United Nations Secretariat,

    1. to ensure that the African radio section at the United Nations improves its broadcasts on the African problems debates in the United Nations,

  1. EXPRESSES SATISFACTION at the ever closer co-operation between the United Nations Secretariat and the Executive Secretariat of the African Group at the United Nations, in accordance with Resolution 2011 (XX) of the United Nations General Assembly,

  1. DIRECTS the Administrative Secretary General to contact the Secretary General of the United Nations to find a means of ensuring the Executive Secretariat of the African Group at the United Nations the protection and the immunities and privileges necessary for the execution of its task.

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