Resolution on Oil Seeds

CM/Res. 237 (XV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 24 to 31 August 1970,

Considering that the solidarity of African oil seed producers is a factor of unity; Conscious of the interchangeability of most of these oil seed products;

Recognizing the existence of an African Groundnuts Council open solely to OAU Member States;

Taking note of this Council’s decision to expand its field of activities to cover other African oil seed products;

  1. APPROVES this decision,

  1. EMPOWERS the OAU Secretariat, in conjunction with ECA, to convene a meeting of African countries which produce oil seeds with a view to studying the advisability of expanding the activities of the African Ground-nuts Council to cover other oil seeds,

  1. REQUESTS this working part to draw up a report to be submitted to the next sessions of the OAU Council of Ministers, the General Assembly of the African Groundnuts Council and ECA, with a view to implementing the recommendations.

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