Convening a Special Session in Africa for The United Nations Security Council on Decolonization Problems

CM/Res. 243 (XVII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Seventeenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 15 to 19 June 1971,

Recalling the relevant resolutions of the United Nations Securit y Council and General Assembly on decolonization, apartheid, racial discrimination in Africa, and foreign occupation of African territories,

Recalling the numerous resolutions of the Organization of African Unity on problems of decolonization of African territories still subjected to foreign domination and foreign occupation of African territories,

Recalling in particular the right of peoples to self-determination and independence and the responsibility of the Security Council in the event of any threat t o the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression;

Considering the United Nations Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples and the programme of action adopted in the formal Declaration of the General Assembly at its Twenty-Fifth Session,

Concerned by the explosive situation that exists in the African territories still subjected to colonial domination and foreign occupation and the consequent threat to world peace and the security of the African countries,

Considering the main responsibility of the Security Council in the search for the maintenance of international peace and security,

Aware that under Article 28, paragraph 3, of the United Nations Charter the Security Council can convene meetings in places other than the United Nations Headquarters,

Realizing the interest for the Organization of African Unity and the African liberation movements of holding a special session of the Security Council in Africa to be held in African countries near areas of international tension devoted to discussing the whole question of decolonization in Africa,

  1. REQUESTS the United Nations General Assembly to recommend to the Security Council to convene early in the year 1972, in African country members of the Organization of African Unity, a special session devoted solely to the measures to be taken with a view to implementing the various Security Council and General Assembly resolutions on decolonization, the struggle against apartheid, racial discrimination in Africa, and withdrawal of foreign occupation zones from African soil;

  1. CALLS UPON the State Members of the United Nations, and more particularly the members of the Security Council, to facilitate the holding of such a special session of the Security Council;

  1. RECOMMENDS the current Chairman of the Organization of African Unity to introduce through the agency of the African Group at the United Nations the request for convening such a special session of the Security Council in Africa early in the year 1972.

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