Resolution on Environment

CM/Res. 262(XVIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Eighteenth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 14 to 19 February 1972,

Considering that the United Nations Conference on Environment will take place in Stockholm in June 1972,

Aware of the importance of this conference and of the need for the African countries to adopt a common position of the subject of environment, particularly in relation to development,

Noting the deliberations of the ECA Executive Committee on Environment in November 1971,

  1. ENDORSES the conclusions and recommendations of the First All African Seminar on Environment held in Addis Ababa in August 1971,

  1. CALLS UPON the OAU Administrative Secretary General in close collaboration with the Executive Secretary of the ECA to study further this matter prior to the Stockholm Conference with a view to harmonizing an African position in particular on the following:

    1. Provision of adequate agricultural and industrial development capable of providing increasing standard of living to the masses;

    1. Providing of clean food an water for human beings and livestock;

    1. Preservation and utilization of Africa’s natural resou rces and in the environmental interest of the continent;

    1. Transfer of technologies from industrialized countries to developing regions which should henceforth take into consideration new environmental norms;

    1. Incidence of environment on trade patterns and development;

    1. Threats to human environment in southern Africa introduced by apartheid, racist and colonial practices;

  1. INVITES the OAU and ECA Secretariats to:

    1. convene a meeting of African experts on Human Environment as soon as possible;

    1. convene a meeting of the African delegations to the UN Conference on Environment in Stockholm two days before the start of that meeting, in order that they may discuss and adopt a common African position on the various items on the agenda of the Conference;

    1. provide the necessary services for the African group during the Stockholm Conference.

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