Resolution on the Bureau for the Placement and Education of African Refugees

CM/Res. 266 (XIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Nineteenth Ordinary Session in Rabat, from 5 to 12 June 1972,

Considering document CM/443 of the Tenth Session of the Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity,

Gravely concerned by the growth of refugees in Africa, and the complexity of the economic, social and human problems posed by these refugees,

Convinced that energetic efforts should be exerted to deal with these problems,

Stressing the usefulness of the relation of co-operation between the BPEAR, the High Commissioner of Refugees and the international organization and voluntary agencies dealing with the problem of refugees, in conformity with the spirit of the 1967 Addis Ababa conference on the legal, economic and social aspects of the African refugees problem,

  1. REQUESTS the General Secretariat to convene as soon as possible a meeting of the Committee on Refugees established in 1964 to consider the current s ituation of refugees in Africa and the necessary measures to be taken with a view to their assistance and be taken with a view to their assistance and voluntary repatriation and their resettlement;

  1. APEALS to Member States to ratify the OAU Convention on R efugees as rapidly as possible;

  1. INVITES OAU Member States to make provision for employment opportunities, scholarships and vocational training opportunities for African refugees;

  1. EXPRESSES its gratitude to the States and institutions which give aid to th e Bureau and participate actively in the search for a human solution to the problem of placement of African refugees.

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