CM/Res. 267 (XIX)
The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Ninete enth Ordinary Session in Rabat, Morocco, from 5 to 12 June 1972,
Having considered the chapter of the Secretary General’s report on Zimbabwe (CM/440),
Recalling Security Council resolution 288 (1970) which called upon “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as the administering power in the discharge of its responsibilities to take urgent and effective measures to bring to an end the illegal rebellion and enable the people to exercise their rights to self-determination in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and in conformity with the objectives of Genera Assembly resolution 1514
(XV) of 14 December 1960”,
Gravely concerned by the continued control of the territory by an illegal racist regime,
Further concerned by the fact that the Government of the United Kingdom has not taken effective measures to terminate that regime,
Having noted the total rejection by the African population of Zimbabwe of the “settlement proposals” agreed upon between the United Kingdom Government an d the illegal regime,
Commending the people of Zimbabwe for having displayed a high degree of political consciousness, unity and determination in defence of their inalienable rights;
Mindful that those “settlement proposals” had been negotiated without c onsulting the genuine political leaders of the African population of Zimbabwe,
Reaffirming that the attempt to negotiate the future of Zimbabwe with the illegal regime on the basis of independence before majority rule would be in contravention of the inalienable rights of the people of that territory and contrary to the provisions of the UN Charter and of General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV),
Recognizing the importance of the continued imposition of political, diplomatic, economic and social sanctions against the illegal Smith regime until that illegal minority racist regime is brought to an end,
PLEDGES to increase its assistance to the people of Zimbabwe in their armed struggle for self-determination and independence;
REAFFIRMS support for the principle that there should be no independence before majority rule in Zimbabwe;
CALLS UPON the Government of the United Kingdom not to transfer or accord, under any circumstance, to the illegal regime any of the powers or attributes of sovereignty, and urges it to promote the country’s attainment to independence by a democratic system of Government in accordance with the aspirations of the majority of the population;
URGES the United Kingdom, as administering authority, to convene as soon as possible a national constitutional conference in which the genuine political representatives of the people of Zimbabwe would be able to work out a settlement relating to the future of the territory for subsequent endorsement by the people under free and democratic processes;
CALLS UPON the United Kingdom Government to create the conditions necessary to permit the free expression of the right to self -determination, including:
The release of all political prisoners, detainees and restrictees;
The removal of all repressive discriminatory legislation;
The removal of all restrictions on political activity and the establishment of full democratic freedom and equality of political rights;
FURTHER CALLS on the United Kingdom Government to ensure that in any exercise to ascertain the wishes of the people of Zimbabwe as to their political future, the procedure to be followed will be in accordance with the principles of universal adult suffrage and by secret referendum on the basis of one-man-one vote without regard to race, colour or to educational, property or income considerations;
CONDEMNS the United Kingdom Government for its failure to take effective measures to bring to an end to the illegal regime in Zimbabwe;
DECIDES to give full support and co-operation to the United Nations in all measures designed to enforce strictly the mandatory sanctions imposed by the Security Council in accordance with the obligations assumed by Member States under Article 25 of the Charter of the United Nations;
EXPRESSES full agreement with the recommendations and the suggestions contained in the Special Report of the committee established in pursuance of Security Council Resolution 253 (1968) (Doc. S/10632) for improving the effectiveness of the machinery of sanctions;
FURTHER EXPRESSES full agreement with the four proposals submitted by the delegations of Guinea, Somalia and Sudan, in their capacity as members of the Security Council, mentioned in Part IV of the Special Report (Doc.s/10632) namely:
“The Security Council should reaffirm the inalienable rights of the people of Southern Rhodesia to freedom and independence in accordance with the Declaration on the
Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples contained in General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, and the legitimacy of their struggle to secure the enjoyment of their rights as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations.
The Security Council should request States continuing to have economic and other relations with Southern Rhodesia to end such relations immediately. All States which are openly and persistently violating the provisions of Security Council resolutions 253 (1968) and 277 (1970) should be condemned. The Council should also request that Member States, especially the permanent members of the Security Council, should reaffirm their obligations to fully implement these resolutions as they are called upon to do in paragraph 16 of resolution 253 (1968).
The Security Council should undertake as a matter of urgency consideration of the type of action to be taken in view of the open and persistent refusal of South Africa and Portugal to implement sanctions against the illegal regime of Southern Rhodesia … .
The Security Council should now call upon all States to employ against the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia additional measures provided for in Article 41 of the Charter as envisaged in paragraph 9 of resolution 253 (1968) and 9 and 11 of resolution 277
CONDEMNS the United States Government for its continued importation of chrome ore from Zimbabwe in open contravention of Security Council resolutions 253 (1968), 277 (1970) and 314 (1972) and contrary to the specific obligations assumed by the United States under Article 25 of the United Nations Charter;
EXPRESSES grave concern about the detrimental consequential development which acts of this nature could have on the effectiveness of sanctions and, in the wider scheme, on the authority of the Security Council;
CALLS UPON the government of the United States to desist from further vio lations of sanctions, and to observe faithfully and without exception the provisions of Security Council resolutions on this question.