Resolution on Special Measures to be Adopted on Decolonization and the Struggle Against Apartheid and Racial Discrimination

CM/Res. 272 (XIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Nineteenth Ordinary Session in Rabat, Morocco, from 5 to 12 June 1972,

Noting with satisfaction the declaration of His Majesty King Hassan II that the question of decolonization must continue to be the main preoccupation of the Organization of African Unity,

Having examined the report of the Administrative Secretary General on decolonization (CM/440) as well as having taken into account the discussions on the question,

Noting with anxiety the intensification of oppression, the exploitation and the use of military force against the African people struggling for their inalienable rights to freedom and independence,

Seriously concerned at the continued and increased military, economic, financial and political assistance rendered to the colonial and minority racist regimes in Africa by several western powers and in particular France, the Federal Republic of Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan,

Noting that this co-operation and assistance strengthens these minority regimes,

Noting with satisfaction the relentless efforts of President Miktar Ould Daddah and the members of the OAU Mission to further enhance the cause of Africa for liberation,

Convinced furthermore that the prevailing situation leaves the African people in these territories no other choice but armed struggle,

Noting with satisfaction the over-all progress in the liberation struggle especially in the territories under Portuguese domination,

  1. REAFFIRMS all its precious resolutions on Decolonization;

  1. CALLS UPON member States to take the necessary steps to deny landing and other facilities to aircraft proceeding to or coming from South Africa or Rhodesia;

  1. RECOMMENDS in order to strengthen the means of defence of certain African States, that Member States apply themselves to making available to those States who request them, units, modern military equipment and military assistance, mending the setting up of the Executive Secretariat of Defence;

  1. CONSIDERS that assistance given to the colonial and racist regimes in particular military assistance, increase tension and endanger international peace and security and contravenes the obligations on UN Member States according to the Un Charter by assisting the aggressor against the aggressed;

  1. CONSIDERS that the repeated acts of aggression against independent African States are intended to prevent them from helping or supporting the liberation struggle and DECLARES that such acts of aggression against any African State constitutes and aggression against the whole of Africa;

  1. PROCLAIMS that the liberation of the African soil cannot, under any circumstances, be the subject of concessions or bargaining.

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