Resolution on the Activities of the African Group at the United Nations

CM/Res. 273 (XIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in it s Nineteenth Ordinary Session in Rabat, Morocco, from 5 to 12 June 1972,

Having heard the Report of the Administrative Secretary General on the Activities of the African Group at the United Nations,

Aware of the considerable work carried out by the African Group and the Executive Secretariat of OAU at the United Nations,

Mindful of the need to make the Executive Secretariat of OAU more effective and to enable it to fulfill its heavy responsibilities under the best possible conditions,

Recalling its resolutions CM/Res. 8 (I) of August 1963, CM/Res. 54 (IV) of March 1965, CM/Res. 121 (IX) of September 1967, CM/Res.204 (XIII) of September 1969, and CM/Res. 233

(XV) of August 1970,

Having regard to the special position of officers of the Executive Secretariat and the very high cost of living at the United Nations,

  1. NOTES the Report on the Activities of the African Group at the United Nations;

  1. RECOMMENDS further that Member States give their representatives adequate instructions to ensure implementation of the resolutions adopted by OAU and to give them as far as possible flexible directives to enable the African Group to adopt a joint stand on questions submitted to it;

  1. WELCOMES the co-operation existing between OAU and the United nations, and requests the Administrative Secretary General to establish relations of co-operation with the Specialized Agencies ant the International Organizations of the United Nations family, and to strengthen the relations already established, in the interest of Africa;

  1. CALLS UPON the Executive Secretary of the OAU at the United Nations to maintain and strengthen contacts with the “Black Caucus” and other groups sympathetic to the African cause in the United States of America, in the interests of Africa;

  1. INSTRUCTS the Administrative Secretary General to negotiate a headquarters agreement with the Government of the United States of America, with a view to conferring official diplomatic status on the OAU Executive Secretariat at the United Nations;

  1. INSTRUCTS the Administrative Secretary General to study and submit to the next administrative and budgetary session proposals designed to improve the material living conditions of the staff of the Executive Secretariat in New York.

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