CM/Res. 276 (XIX)
The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Nineteenth Ordinary Session in Rabat, Morocco, from 5 to 12 June 1972,
Recalling that the “Declaration of Industrialization in Africa in the 1970’s adopted by the first OAU/ECA Conference of Ministers of Industry – Addis Ababa, 3 to 7 May 1971, included inter alia the following:
Affirming the sovereignty of every Member State on all types of natural resources within its territory;
Reaffirmation of the Ministers’ faith in industrialization as a strategic element in the structural transformation of African economies;
A request to convene every 2 years a conference of African Ministers of Industry under the auspices of the OAU and the ECA aimed at evaluating the achievements during the preceding period and to recommend policies and measures for sustaining an integrated industrial growth with the view to achieving the goals set for the remaining part of the decade;
Having studied document CM/453 relating to co-operation between OAU/ECA/UNIDO on preparation for the Second Conference of African Ministers of Industry to be held in October 1973,
Noting that the Arab Republic of Egypt has informed the Council of its willingness, to host for the Second Conference of African Ministers of Industry,
APPROVES the preparatory work and the steps taken so far by the OAU Secretariat in co-operation with the ECA and UNIDO to convene the second Conference of African Ministers of Industry;
CALLS UPON Member States to participate actively at the highest level in the forthcoming Second Conference of African Ministers of Industry with a view to supporting the integrated industrial growth of Africa;
INVITES the second Conference to:
Review and appraise the progress made in the continent toward the achievement of the goals and objectives of the Un Second Development Decade in the field of industrialization;
Recommend policies, measures and action with a view to securing sustained and integrated Industrial Development in Africa;
Follow up the implementation of the recommendations of the First Conference, and the decisions of the OAU Council of Ministers with a view to realizing in particular those pertaining to:
the establishment of an African Union of Mineral Exporting Countries;
the creation of an African Institute of Mines;
NOTES WITH APPRECIATION AND ACCEPTS the generous offer of the Arab Republic of Egypt to host the Second Conference of African Ministers of Industry,
REQUESTS the OAU, ECA and UNIDO to provide all the services needed for the success of the conference.