Resolution on all Africa Trade Fair

CM/Res. 277 (XIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Nineteenth Ordinary Session in Rabat, Morocco, from 5 to 12 June 1972,

Noting the final report of the organizing Committee on the First All Africa Trade Fair;

Recognizing the importance of such Trade Fairs for the promotion of Intra -African Trade and CO-operation,

Recalling its resolution CM/Res. 260 (XVIII) on the First All-Africa Trade Fair,

Noting with satisfaction large participation of OAU Member States in the Fair and the Excellent preparations by the Government of Kenya which made the Fair a success,

  1. CONGRATULATES the Government and People of the Republic of Kenya for their dedicated efforts that ensured the successful staging of this significant event aimed at encouraging and facilitating inter-African co-operation and trade;

  1. COMMENDS the members of the Organizing Committee for their significant contribution to the success of the Fair;


    1. All Africa Trade Fairs be held once every four years;

    1. The Second All Africa Trade Fair be held in 1976 and hosted by ALGERIA.

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