Resolution on Environment

CM/Res. 281 (XIX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Nineteenth Ordinary Session in Rabat, Morocco, from 5 to 12 June 1972,

Taking note of the Administrative Secretary General’s repo rt on education, science, culture and health and, in particular, the part of the report relating to the African stand on the Stockholm Conference on the Environment,

Endorsing the conclusions of the African conference on environment held in Dakar,

Concerned about the use of chemical and biological arms in certain territories under colonial domination,

Further concerned about the ecological consequences of the construction of giant dams in these same territories,

Considering further the responsibility of the colonial powers and other industrialized countries in the destructive exploitation and dissipation of Africa’s natural resources;

Feeling that this responsibility implies recognition of the right to reparation from the countries whose development has been based or in still based on this exploitation,

1. CONDEMNS all forms of degradation and dissipation of human values and resources and requests that the Stockholm declaration on the environment if it has not yet been adopted, unambiguously denounce the crimes committed against humanity and the human environment in Africa in relation to racial and colonial practices.

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