Resolution on the Forthcoming Summit Conference of the Non-Aligned Countries

CM/Res. 290 (XX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twentieth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia form 5 to 9 February 1973,

Having heard the communication from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Algeria concerning the forthcoming summit Conference of the Non-Aligned countries,

Recalling its decision in CM/Res.264 (XVIII) with regard to permanent consultation among the OAU Member States with a view to co-ordinating and harmonizing their points of view on the eve of international meetings,

Faithful to the OAU Charter and to the principles of non-alignment, problems,

Aware of the need for Member States to develop their action in favour of national independence and the liberation of the territories still colonized,

Considering that non-alignment offers an adequate framework for the effective mobilization of the countries of the third World and for the concrete affirmation of their solidarity in favour of Africa’s cause,

Recalling further the decision of the preparatory meeting in Georgetown designating Algiers as the site of the fourth Summit Conference of the Non-Aligned countries,

  1. WELCOMES the consultations which have been established between the OAU Member States with a view to defining a common stand on African problems and those of the third World;

  1. INVITES member States to participate at the highest level in the Fourth Summit Conference of the Non-Aligned Countries to be held in Algiers in September 1973, in order to ensure its complete success;

  1. REQUESTS Algeria to present to the Twenty-first Session of the OAU Council of Ministers a progress report concerning the preparations for the said Conference.

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