Second Pan-African Cultural Festival

Second Pan-African Cultural Festival

CM/Res. 293 (XX)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twentieth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia form 5 to 9 February 1973,

Recalling its decision No CM/Res.215 (XIX) by which the African Cultural Council (ACC) was invited to meet and among other things draw up a budget for the second Pan-African Cultural Festival,

Noting with satisfaction that the ACC held that meeting at its Third Ordinary Session from 19 to 20 December 1972 at the OAU Headquarters in Addis Ababa as indicated in its report contained in document CM/483,

Welcoming the proposals made by the ACC to guide Member States in preparing for the Second Pan-African Cultural Festival, and especially those relating to ways of raising funds towards the estimated festival budget of US$1,370,515,

  1. ADOPTS the report of the Third Ordinary Session of the African Cultural Council as contained in documentCM/483;

  1. URGES all member States to undertake the necessary preparations for the Second Pan-African Cultural Festival, including the specified fund-raising activities from which the Festival will obtain funds, which will assist to make the Pan-African Cultural Festival self-sufficient financially;

  1. ACCEPTS the recommendation of the Acc that elections of half of the Members of the ACC should be postponed until the present incumbent have organized and staged the Second Pan-African Cultural Festival scheduled to be held in 1976.

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