Resolution on Namibia

CM/Res.300 (XXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty First Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa from 17 – 24 May 1973,

Having considered the chapter of the Report of the Administrative Secretary General on the situation in Namibia (CM/502 Part IV) and taking into consideration the views expressed by the representatives of SWAPO,

Having taken note of the reports of the UN Secretary General to the Security Council in April 1973 as well as the statement of the Chairman of the UN Council for Namibia,

Gravely concerned by the repressive measures and arbitrary arrests enforced by the racist South African authorities against the Namibian people,

Seriously concerned by the continued bantustanization of the territory as part of the designs of the Pretoria regime against the unity and national entity of the Namibian people,

Noting that these measures have been carried out by the South African racist regime while contacts between that regime and the UN Secretary General have been going on,

Expressing its satisfaction at the growing militancy among the masses and the positive development of the armed struggle in this territory,

Recalling the programme of action relating to the question of Namibia adopted by the Oslo International Conference held from 9 – 14 April 1973 in support of the victims of colonialism and apartheid,

  1. REAFFIRMS its full and unconditional support to Namibian people in their legitimate struggle for national independence,

  1. CONDEMNS the South African racist authorities for their enforcement of the racist policy of Bantustans which is designed to destroy the unity and territorial integrity of the Namibian people;

  1. NOTES with satisfaction the positive development of the armed struggle waged by the Namibian people under the leadership of SWAPO;

  1. CALLS UPON the UN Security Council to terminate the contacts of the UN Secretary General with the South African racist authorities as such exercise has proved ultimately to be detrimental to the interests of the people of Namibia and prejudicial to an early attainment of independence by this territory;

  1. SUPPORTS the efforts of the UN Council of Namibia to implement the mandate entrusted to it by the UN General Assembly;

  1. CALLS UPON the Security Council to take appropriate measures under chapter 7 of the UN Charter to force South Africa into terminating its illegal occupation of Namibia;

  1. COMMENDS the efforts of OAU Member States to isolate the South African regime and calls upon them to further intensify their action in this respect;

  1. CALLS UPON the international community to increase its political, moral, financial, material and other forms of support to the people of Namibia under the leadership of Namibia in order to enable them to carry out an effective armed struggle so as to expedite the attainment of independence of Namibia.

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