Resolution on Territories under French Domination


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty First Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa from 17 – 24 May 1973,

Having noted the chapter of the Report of the Administrative Secretary General on the situation in the Territories under French domination (CM/502 (Part III)),

Taking into account the views expressed by the national liberation movements of the Comoro Islands and the so-called French Somaliland (Djibouti),

Deeply concerned at the continuation of the French colonial presence in these territories in contravention of the legitimate aspirations of the peoples of these territories,

Condemning the violent repressive measures perpetrated by the French colonial authorities against the people of the so-called French Somaliland (Djibouti),

Hailing the results of the General Elections which were held in the Comoro Islands in December 1972 which indicated a clear expression by the people of the territory for complete freedom and independence,

  1. REAFFIRMS its unflinching support for and solidarity with the people of the Comoro Islands and the so-called French Somaliland (Djibouti), led by their National Liberation Movements, for self determination and independence;

  1. DEPLORES the continued colonization of these territories and calls upon the Government of France, the administering power, to take immediate measures to bring to an end its colonial presence in these territories in accordance with UN General Assembly resolutions 1514 (XV);

  1. CALLS UPON the Government of France to implement paragraph 2 above in its current negotiations in Paris with the representatives of the Comoro Islands and requests the Administrative Secretary General to follow closely the developments in this regard;

  1. APPEALS to all States to intensify their moral, diplomatic, political and material assistance to the liberation movements of these territories to enable them to pursue their struggle for complete freedom and independence;

  1. INVITES the African Group of the United Nations to take the necessary steps for the implementation of this resolution.

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