Draft Resolution on the Second Conference of African Ministers of Industry

CM/Res.312 (XXI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty First Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa from 17 – 24 May 1973,

Having studied the report on the Second Conference of African Ministers of Industry (CM/510),

Fully aware of the importance for African countries to harmonies their industrial development and plan and execute joint industrial ventures,

Recalling the Addis Ababa Declaration on industrialization in Africa in the seventies adopted by the First conference of African Ministers of Industry in May 1971,

Recalling further resolution CM/Res.276 (XIX) concerning preparatory work for the Second Conference of African Ministers of Industry,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the steps taken by the General Secretariat, since the Nineteenth Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers at Rabat, in co-operation with the Executive Secretariat of the ECA and the Executive Secretariat of the UNIDO towards convening the Second conference of African Ministers of Industry;

  1. CALLS on all member States of the OAU to participate actively at the ministerial level in the forthcoming Second conference of African Ministers of Industry which should be held shortly, and to review progress in the continent towards achieving targets, set by the United Nations development decade in the field of industrialization;

  1. REAFFIRMS resolution CM/Res.276 (XI) in particular operative paragraph 3, outlining general guidelines for the Conference and invites the Conference of African Ministers of Industry to give high priority to the consideration of that paragraph;

  1. CALLS UPON the Second Conference which will take place in Cairo from the 5th to 9th November 1973 to elaborate a common African stand for the Second General Conference of UNIDO;

  1. INVITES the Conference to initiate policies and action to plan and establ ish joint African industrial ventures, on the regional or sub-regional level;

  1. THANKS the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt for its generous offer to host the Second Conference of African Ministers of Industry and for the facilities they agreed to offer in conformity with the provisions of the Agreement signed between them and the three sponsoring Organizations (OAU, ECA, UNIDO).

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