Resolution on International Container Traffic


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Twenty First Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa from 17 – 24 May 1973,

Taking note of the report of the Administrative Secretary General of OAU on International Container Traffic, document CM/519,

Noting that the African countries and in particular those who are land locked are still concerned about the effects of combined haulage of goods,

Recalling resolution E/CONF.59/39/Add.3 adopted by the UN/IMCO Conference on International Container Traffic, with particular reference to paragraph 9 (a),

Recalling further, the recommendations of the African Ministerial Conference on Trade, Development and Monetary Problems that took place in Abidjan (9 – 13 May 1973), especially those related to Maritime Transport,

1. CALLS on the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU in collaboration with the Executive Secretary of the ECA and the Secretary General of UNCTAD after having prepared the necessary basic documents to convene a conference of African Experts in the sphere of Maritime Transport and Container Traffic in particular to study the economic and social effects of this mode of transport on the development of Africa.

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