Recommendation of the Council of Ministers on Seychelles


The Co-ordinating committee for the Liberation of Africa, meeting in a special session in Mogdiscio, Somalia, on 10 June 1974, at the request of the OAU Council of Ministers to hear Mr. Mancham, the Chief Minister of Seychelles;

HAVING HEARD the statement by the Chief Minister of Seychelles; CONSIDERING the political developments in Seychelles;

TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION the new political line of action of the SDP (Seychelles Democratic Party) which urges rapprochement between OAU and Mr. Mancham’s party;

NOTING the announcement made by Mr. Mancham that he would demand, on behalf of his party, Seychelles’ accession to independence in autumn 1975 and his pledge to adhere to the principles of the OAU Charter;

RECOMMENDS to the Council of Ministers;

  1. That SDP (Seychelles Democratic Party) be recognized and admitted as Observer to the OAU like any other Movement fighting for independence;

  1. That SDP should enjoy the same rights and privileges as any other Liberation Movement recognized by the OAU;

  1. To invite both the SPUP (Seychelles People’s United Party) and SDP, if they so wish, to avail themselves of the good offices of the OAU in working out a

common programme for independence on the basis of the objectives and principles of the OAU.

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