Resolution on South Africa and Namibia


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty Third Ordinary Session in Mogadiscio, Somalia, form 6 to 11 June 1974,

HAVING CONSIDERED that part of the Administrative Secretary General’s report on the alarming situation in south Africa and the views expressed by the South African Liberation Movements,

RECALLING its previous resolutions and, more especially resolutions CM/Res.229

(XXIII) and CM/Res.300 (XXIII) on South Africa and Namibia adopted at its Twenty First Ordinary Session;

DEEPLY CONCERNED about the repressive measures taken by the racist minority Government of South Africa against the Africa population of that territory and the frequent and arbitrary arrests by the racist authorities of South Africa of the Namibia people;

DEEPLY CONCERNED about South Africa’s increasing assistance to other racist and colonialist regimes in south Africa and the massive reinforcement of South Africa’s military resources which constitute a threat to peace and security of the continent, and hence the rest of the world;

RECALLING the resolutions adopted on South Africa and Namibia by the Twenty Fifth Ordinary Session of the United Nations General Assembly;

CONSIDERING that the Government of South Africa continues to float the United Nations Resolutions on South Africa and Namibia and to intensify its repressive measures against the peoples of these territories.

  1. REAFFIRMS its full unconditional support for the peoples of south Africa and Namibia in their legitimate struggle for national liberation;

  1. UNDERTAKES to increase its financial and material assistance to the national liberation movements of South Africa and Namibia in view of the imperative needs of the Struggle;

  1. REITERATES that the South African and Namibian national liberation movements recognized by OAU are the authentic and legitimate representatives of the peoples of these territories;

  1. CALLS the African Group at the United Nations to redouble its e fforts and pursue its action for South Africa’s expulsion form the world organization and its specialized agencies and ensure that the credentials of the delegation of the South African Government are rejected at the Twenty Ninth Ordinary Session of the United Nations General Assembly;

  1. FURTHER CALLS ON the African Group at the United Nations to make the necessary arrangements and explore ways and means of raising this matter formally before the Security Council after action has been taken by the general Assembly to expel the South African Government from the United Nations;

  1. APPEALS to the non-aligned and socialist and other countries, in particular, those which support the liberation cause in Africa to give effective support to the African Group at the United Nations in order to attaint he objective stipulated in operative paragraph 5 above.

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