Resolution on the Activities of the Executive Secretariats in New York and Geneva

CM/Res.343 (XXIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty Third Ordinary Session in Mogadiscio, Somalia, form 6 to 11 June 1974,

HAVING HEARD the reports of the Administrative Secretary General on the activities of the African Group at the United Nations and on the activities of the Executi ve Secretariat of the OAU in Europe (Geneva);

CONSCIOUS of the important work accomplished by these two Offices in the USA and Europe;

MINDFUL of the necessity to make these Offices more efficient and to allow them to fulfil their responsibilities in the best conditions by giving them adequate means,

RECALLING the different resolutions of the Council of Ministers on the New York Office and in particular resolutions CM/Res.273 of June 1972, adopted by the Ninth Assembly of Heads of State and Government which inter-alia;

“Instructs the Administrative Secretary General to study and submit to the next administrative budgetary session proposals designed to improve the material living conditions of the staff of the Executive Secretariat in New York”.

HAVING HEARD the explanations of the Executive Secretary of the OAU Office in Geneva, which have shown great similarity to the problems confronting the Offices in Geneva and New York,

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT the particular situation of the Officers of the Executive Secretariats and the very high cost of living in the USA and Europe,

CONVINCED of the necessity for the Offices in New York and Geneva to have premises where the African Groups can hold private meetings,

  1. APPROVES the additional sum of US$ 16,000 for rent of Offices in order to permit the Executive Secretary in New York to have suitable Office and taking into account the increase of personnel;


    1. to allocate the sum of US$ 16,000 for the rent of an Office for the Executive Secretariat in Geneva in order to permit it to rent a more suitable Office;

    1. while waiting for the final decision on the problem, the OAU shall cover 75% of the school fees of the children of the Statutory Staff working in the Offices of New York and Geneva;

    1. that the Statutory Permanent Staff shall contribute 20% of the basic salary for reasonable housing rent and the rest will be borne by the OAU;

  1. ALLOCATES the sum of 62,000 Swiss Francs (approximately US$ 20,000) to cover the deficit in the 1973/74 budget due to the devaluation of the dollar and the floating of the Swiss Francs;

  1. DECIDES that in the case of the devaluation of the dollar, adjustment should be done automatically in order to permit the Geneva Office to compensate such losses;

  2. DECIDES to allocate an additional sum of US$ 10,000 for the Geneva Office on the A/C travel on official mission and for information activities;

  1. The decisions in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the operative part of this resolution will come into effect after the financial estimates have been checked by the Advisory Committee on budgetary Matters, within one month at the latest.

The total sum of money requires will be added as supplementary budget to the budget of the financial year 1975/1975, starting on June1, 1974.

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