Resolution Executive Secretatiat of the OAU in Europe (GENEVA)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty Third Ordinary Session in Mogadiscio, Somalia, form 6 to 11 June 1974,

RECALLING AHG/Dec.76 (IX) establishing the Executive secretariat of the OAU in Europe (Geneva),

HAVING CONSIDERED the report on the Executive Secretariat of the OAU in Europe contained in document CM/574 Add, I (XXIII),

NOTING with appreciation the positive and successful results achieved during the first year of existence of the Executive Secretariat and the urgent need to consolidate the presence of the OAU in Europe,

NOTING FURTHER the important role of the African Ambassadors in Europe in strengthening the political action of the OAU and the necessity for more coordinat ion with the Executive Secretariat of the OAU in Europe,

CONSCIOUS of the need for information in Europe and the necessity to provide the required means in this respect,

  1. TAKES NOTE with satisfaction, of the report of the Executive Secretariat in Europe (Geneva),

  1. CONGRATULATES the African Group within the specialized Agencies in Europe and the Executive Secretariat of the OAU for the positive and successful results achieved in the political, economic and social fields;

  1. INVITES African representatives in Europe to lend all their political support to the OAU action in Europe;

  1. REQUESTS the Executive Secretariat in Europe to follow its political action with the European Governments on questions of decolonization and the struggle against apartheid and racial discrimination,

  1. REQUESTS the Executive Secretariat to strengthen its information activities and its cooperation with the non-governmental organizations engaged in the struggle against colonialism and apartheid.

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