Resolution on Investments in Mozambique South Africa and Rhodesia

CM/Res.348 (XXIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty Third Ordinary Session in Mogadiscio, Somalia, from 6 – 11 June, 1974,

RECALLING all the previous pertinent resolutions on this matter adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government and United Nations General Assembly and Security Council,

HAVING HEARD the report of the Administrative Secretary General on the Problem of Investments in Southern Africa contained in Document CM/595 (XXIII),

GRAVELY CONCERNED that foreign investments in southern Africa prop the racist minority regimes,

  1. DEPLORES those Western countries which continue to defy the world opinion which calls for an end to investments in Southern Africa;

  1. CONDEMNS the actions of those states which arm South Africa to enable them to protect their investments in that part of Africa;

  1. CALLS upon the Administrative Secretary General to bring tot he attention of Member States for black-listing names of any countries and companies or institutions that continue to invest in Southern Africa;

  1. APPEALS to Member States to impose heavy tariffs on the exports of those countries which persistently ignore appeals of the OAU not to invest in Southern Africa;

  1. APPEALS to Member States to impose heavy tariffs on the exports of those countries which persistently ignore appeals of the OAU not to invest in Southern Africa.

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