Resolution on oil Sanctions Against the Minority Racist Regimes in Southern Africa

CM/Res.349 (XXIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty Third Ordinary Session in Mogadiscio, Somalia, from 6 – 11 June, 1974,

RECALLING its Resolution CM/Res.32 (III) adopted in Cairo in July 1964,

CONVINCED that oil could be used as an effective to bring about political and economic changes as shown by the Middle East Crisis of October, 1973,

HAVING CONSIDERED the Administrative Secretary General’s comprehensive report on the oil situation in Southern Africa,

RECALLING the decision of the Arab Kings and Heads of State in Algiers in November, 1973 to impose an oil embargo against minority regimes in southern Africa,

  1. EXPRESSES its appreciation to the Arab States which have imposed an oil embargo against the racist minority regimes in Southern Africa in conformity with Afro Arab solidarity and co-operation;

  1. APPEALS to the Arab oil producing states which have not done so to implement oil embargo against the racist minority regimes;

  1. RENEWS its appeal to Iran to co-operate in the spirit of solidarity with Africa, with Arab oil producing countries to apply the oil embargo against the racist regimes of Southern Africa;

  1. DECIDES to establish machinery within the OAU General Secretariat as stated by Resolution CM/Res.31 (III) which will be entrusted inter alia, with the following functions:

    1. to co-ordinate oil sanctions against Southern Africa among OAU Member States of the Arab League to ensure the strictest implementation of all measures designed against Southern African racist regimes;

    1. to pass information about the movements of ships, planes and persons involved in conveying oil to the minority regimes of Southern Africa;

    1. to collect and disseminate information about governmental and private financial, economic, commercial institutions and trade involvement in minority regimes of Southern Africa;

    1. to promote with other interested bodies the campaign against foreign financial and economic involvement in the oil industry in the minority regimes of Southern Africa;

    1. to bring to the attention of the current chairman of the OAU Council of Ministers, States defying the oil embargo;

    1. to co-operate with the relevant bodies of the United Nations carrying out similar task against the Southern African minority regimes;

  1. DECIDES to immediately give financial assistance to Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland to enable them to cushion the adverse effects of oil sanctions on their economies;

  2. REQUESTS the African group at the UN to take the necessary steps at the 29 th Session of the General Assembly with a view to requesting the UN to aid Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland;

  1. REAFFIRMS its determination to spare no efforts in helping towards the consolidation of the economic independence and national sovereignty of Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland an obligation which constitutes part of the struggle for the total liberation of the continent.

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