Resolution on Decolonization

CM/Res.350 (XXIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty Third Ordinary Session in Mogadiscio, Somalia, from 6 – 11 June, 1974,

HAVING STUDIED the comprehensive report of the Administrative Secretary General on Decolinization, contained in document CM.573,

TAKING NOTE with satisfaction that the continued achievements in the liberation struggle in the territories under Portuguese domination have contributed larg ely to ending half a century of fascist rule inside Portugal.

TAKING NOTE FURTHER that the ever increasing success of the liberation struggle has increased equally the isolation of the colonial regime of Portugal from the international community,

CONCERNED that the continuing support given in various forms by certain NATO Member States enables the colonial and minority racist regimes in Southern Africa to enhance their repressive and aggressive potential in preparation for putting up a last ditch against decolonization in the area,

AWARE that the minority racist regimes of Pretoria and Salisbury are plotting, in league with western imperialist circles, to encourage a Rhodesian style UDI in Angola and Mozambique,

CONDEMNING the proliferation of puppet political parties in Angola, Mozambique, cape Verde Islands and Sao Tome and Principe as a manoeuvre by the Portuguese authorities to delay the independence of those territories,

NOTING with regret that France has not changed its policy of delaying the grant ing of self-determination and independence to its colonies,

TAKING NOTE with satisfaction, of the intensification of the struggle by the Zimbabwe patriots against the racist regime of Salisbury,

DENOUNCING once again Britain’s refusal to stop conducting clandestine talks with the Smith regime without the participation of the authentic representatives of the Zimbabwe people,

CONVINCED that unity among National Liberation Movements is indispensable to an early achievement of independence,

  1. REAFFIRMS once again its total and unconditional support for the peoples under Portuguese, French, British and Spanish colonial domination in their legitimate struggle for national liberation,

  1. CALLS UPON Portugal to proclaim unequivocally her recognition of the inalienable right of the people of Mozambique to independence;

  1. WELCOMES the talks between the Portuguese, authorities and the representatives of the Republic of guinea Bissau on the one hand and the representatives of FRELIMO and Portugal on the other and encourages the parties concerned to continue the talks with the view to an early ending of the conflict;

  1. URGES the National Liberation Movements to redouble their efforts and intensify their struggle in Angola and Mozambique until independence is achieved;

  1. CALLS UPON expressly the National Liberation Movements of Angola and Zimbabwe in particular to take united action against their common enemies;

  2. FURTHER CALLS UPON Zimbabwe Patriots to take advantage of the current situation in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa in general by increasing and intensifying action against the racist regime of Salisbury and to that end pledges increased assistance of every kind to the fighting forces of Zimbabwe in order to enable them to increase and intensify their operations;

  1. CALLS UPON the British Government to stop its clandestine talks with the Smith regime, and urges all Zimbabweans to stand firm in a united demand for nothing less than majority rule and true self Government;

  1. CALLS UPON once again the British Government, as the administering power, to bring about the necessary conditions to enable the Zimbabwe people to exercise freely their right to self-determination and independence;

  1. AGAIN CALLS UPON the British Government to take appropriate measures for the unconditional release of all political prisoners, detainees and restrictees, the repeal of all repressive and racist legislation, the expulsion of all South African forces from the territory and the convening of a constitutional conference in which the authentic representatives of the people would participate fully;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General to organize a Seminar, in which the National liberation movements as well as African and other experts will participate, to consider the question of decolonization, with particular emphasis on the key role played by South Africa in thwarting the liberation struggle in

South Africa, and to report on the results of that Seminar to the 25 th Session of the Council of Ministers;

  1. RECORDS its appreciation to all the peace and freedom-loving countries which have ceaselessly lent their support to the struggle for decolonization and calls on them to increase their assistance in all fields to the peoples striving to liberate themselves from colonialism.

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