Resolution on African Non-Governmental Organizations


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty Third Ordinary Session in Mogadiscio, Somalia, from 6 – 11 June, 1974,


  • of Administrative Secretary General’s Report on relations b etween OAU and African Non-Governmental Organizations;

  • of the statements made by the representatives of the All-Africa Women’s Conference and the Pan African Youth Movement

CONSIDERING the great importance of these organizations and the eminently positive role that they play in the building and consolidating of African Unity,

BEARING IN MIND the obvious concern of the Founding Fathers of our inter - Governmental Organization to associate all the active forces of our continent closely with the noble mission of the OAU with the noble mission of the OAU with a view to achieving the objectives it has set itself and the noble aspirations of the African peoples to political, economic and cultural independence,

CONGRATULATES AND ENCOURAGES these organizations in the work they have so far done and urges them to preserve in the strengthening of relations among these organizations and the OAU,

REQUESTS these organizations to communicate to the OAU General Secretariat: in writing ways and means of promoting and strengthening co-operation between them and the OAU in all fields,

EARNESTLY REQUESTS the OAU General Secretariat to pursue its efforts to make these organizations contribute more effectively to the implementation of the OAU policy aimed at achieving the total liberation, economic and cultural development, and effective unity of Africa,

APPEALS to the Governments of all Member States to promote the development of Youth and Women’s organizations and their affiliation with the Pan -African Youth Movement and the All Africa Women’s Conference,

REQUESTS the OAU General Secretariat to participate morally and materially, as much as possible, in the initiative of these organizations and keep the Council of Ministers fully informed of the ground covered by them in the achievement of stronger unity and further assertion of personality of the continent.

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