Resolution on African Highway Association


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty Third Ordinary Session in Mogadiscio, Somalia, from 6 – 11 June, 1974,

TAKING NOTE of the Administrative Secretary General’s report (Document CM/579) on the establishment of an “African Highway Association”,

RECALLING the resolution adopted by the first and second African Highway Conference on the establishment of the African Highway Association held in Addis Ababa and Rabat,

CONVINCED that such an association will constitute an important instrument for co - operation among African Countries in the field of road transport,

DESIROUS of laying solid foundations for co-operation and Co-ordination of all means of transport in general and road transport in particular,

  1. CONGRATULATES the OAU General Secretariat, the ECA Executive Secretariat and the Interim Committee for the efforts m ade so far to establish an African Highway Association;

  1. EARNESTLY REQUESTS the OAU Member States to participate effectively and fully in the constituent conference of the African Highway Association which will be held in Bugaui (Central African Republic) during the third African Highway Conference in April 1975,

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