Resolution on Pan-African Telecommunications Fund


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty Third Ordinary Session in Mogadiscio, Somalia, from 6 – 11 June, 1974,

NOTING the report of the Administrative Secretary General on the progress of the setting up of a Fund for the financing of Pan-African Telecommunications Network,

NOTING WITH SATISFACTION the report of the Co-ordinating Committee attached to documents CM/580 (XXIII) and 580 (XXIII) Add.1 on the present stage of the action taken by the Committee to establish the Fund and its efforts to find finance for the implementation of the Pan African Telecommunications Network,

RECALLING its Resolution CM/Res.224 (XV) and CM/Res/309 (XXI) on the implementation of the Pan African Telecommunications Network,

APPRECIATING that multilateral and bilateral sources of finance have declared their intentions to participate in the financing of Network and that as a result the greater part of the funds needed to finance the network is available from these sources,

NOTING IN PARTICULAR that the establishment of the Fund as originally envisaged has not so far been favourably received by the traditional sources of multilateral and bilateral financing but that such funds might be useful in financing the less viable sectors of the Network,

APPRECIATING further the steps taken by the Co-ordinating Committee to ensure technical and financial co-operation,

CONSCIOUS of the fact that certain sectors of the network appear at present to be less viable and consequently less attractive to both multilateral and bilateral sources of finance,

  1. EXPRESSES its appreciation to the Executive Secretary of the EC A, the Secretary General of the ITU, the President of the ADB and the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU for their efforts towards an early implementation of the Pan-African Telecommunications Network and invites them to continue their efforts;

  1. EXPRESSES its satisfaction with the fact that multilateral and bilateral sources are willing to support the financing of a large part of the Network;

  1. URGES :

    1. the Co-ordinating Committee to finalize the arrangements for financial and technical co-ordination in the implementation of the Network,

    1. all Member States, further, to participate fully in the financial and technical co-ordination in the implementation of the Network;


    1. the Co-ordinating Committee to explore such sources of finance as could be made available to finance the remaining sectors of the Network either directly or through the proposed Fund;

    1. the ADB to examine ways of orienting financing towards the less viable sectors as well as possibilities to making the profits of the viable sectors support the less viable sectors through co-financing;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary General of the OAU to make a full progress report on the implementation of the Pan-African Telecommunications Network to the Twenty Fourth Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers.

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