Resolution on the Establishment of an Inter African Airline


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty Third Ordinary Session in Mogadiscio, Somalia, from 6 – 11 June, 1974,

RECALLING Resolution CM/Res.165 (XI) on Inter African Co-operation in Road, Rail and Maritime Transport,

RECALLING FUTHER Paragraph A.28 of document CM/ST (XXI), the declaration on Co-operation, Development and Economic Independence.

AWARE that air transportation plays a dynamic role in the economic and social transformation and in cultural rapprochement in the Continent of Africa,

NOTING WITH CONCERN the almost total lack of Co-operation in the field of air transportation,

CONVINCED that the establishment of n Inter African Airline, beginning with Regional integration of National Airlines could yield satisfactory economic while extending the geographical scope of their joint operations,

DETERMINED that a scheduled programme of action should be mapped out and adhered to for the realization of an Inter African Airline,

  1. RECOMMENDS the Establishment of an Inter-African Airline;

  1. URGES the African Civil Aviation Commission to intensify the efforts to finalize the studies it is now making;

  1. DECIDES THAT the Secretary General in consultation with the AFCAC Secretariat and ECA convene regional meetings of National Airlines and Civil Aviation Authorities and encourage them to integrate,

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary General to submit a progress report on the operative paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 to the Twenty Fifth Session of the Council.

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