Resolution on Technical Co-Operation


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty Third Ordinary Session in Mogadiscio, Somalia, from 6 – 11 June, 1974,

HAVING HEARD report CM/607 of the Secretary General on Technical cooperation among Member States and report CM/608 on the UNDP working group on technical co - operation among developing countries;


  1. that Member States who have not yet done so, send to the general Secretariat, by 31 October 1974, their comments and observations on the Inter-African Convention establishing an African Technical Co-operation among developing countries;

  1. that an item on technical co-operation be put on the agenda of the Twenty Fourth Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers;

  1. that OAU’s terms of reference as regards technical co -operation be set out by the General Secretariat in a report to the Twenty Fourth Session;

  1. that the General Secretariat study and propose solutions likely to ensure regular and readily available sources of finance for the OAU Technical Co-operation Fund provided for in Article 25th of the Convention;

  1. that the General Secretariat explore the possibility and list the needs in technical co-operation among Member States;

  1. that particular attention be paid and conscious efforts made towards technical cooperation among Member States and the national liberation movements recognized by OAU;

  1. that the General Secretariat should do its utmost to associate African governmental organizations dealing with economic, technical and cultural cooperation with OAU efforts to promote technical cooperation among Member States;

  1. that the General Secretariat follow closely the efforts made by the International Organizations of the United Nations family and in particular, by UNDP, to promote technical co-operation among developing countries;

  1. that a meeting of those in charge of technical co-operation among the Member states be organized in 1975 to prepare African’s participation in the international symposium on technical co-operation among developing countries which is scheduled for 1976.

The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty Third Ordinary Session in Mogadiscio, Democratic Republic of Somalia, from 6 – 11 June, 1974,

HAVING CONSIDERED document CM/584 (XXIII) containing the report and resolutions adopted by the Third Ordinary Session of the Educational, Scientific, Cultura l and Health Commission held in Mauritius from 10 to 14 December 1973,

- Endorses the following resolutions and recommendations (Resolution 368 383)

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