Resolution on the Future Cultural Activities of the OAU


The Educational, Scientific, Cultural and Health Commission of the OAU meeting in its Third Ordinary Session in Reduit. Mauritius, from December 10 to 14, 1973,

HAVING CONSIDERED the Report of the Administrative Secretary General on the Cultural Activities of OAU for the next two years (Document ESCHC/109 (III)).

REQUESTS the OAU Administrative Secretary General to convene an African Conference on Culture before the UNESCO Regional Conference scheduled for 1975 with a view to studying in depth the current problems of culture and cultural co -operation in Africa and harmonizing the stands of Member States and preparing a Charter on African Culture.

APPROVES the Administrative Secretary General to organize symposia and meetings on current problems of African Art.

APPROVES the publication by the OAU General Secretariat of a review devoted to cultural problems in which African intellectuals could express their views and make known the African way of thinking.

REQUESTS the OAU Administrative Secretary General to undertake a study on the conditions for the development of an African cinema which will be submitted for approval by the Twenty Third Session of the OAU Council of Ministers in June 1974.

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