CM/Res.806 (XXXV)
The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity meeting in its Thirty- fifth Ordinary Session in Freetown, Sierra Leone, from 18 to 28 June, 1980,
Having taken note of the Report of the Secretary-General on the UN Transport and Communications Decade for Africa contained in Document CM/1067 (XXXV) Rev.1;
Recalling Resolution CM/Res.675 (XXXII) and CM/Res.738 (XXXIII) Rev.1 on the United Nations Transport and Communications Decade for Africa adopted at Khartoum (July 1978) and Monrovia (July 1979) respectively;
Recalling further Resolution 32/160 of the United Nations General Assembly of December 1977 which approved the recommendation urging the proclamation of UN Transport and Communications Decade for Africa contained in resolution 291
(XII) of the Conference of Ministers of the Economic Commission for Africa;
Mindful of the poor response in terms of firm pledges on the part of most potential donors at the last Pledging Conference convened by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in New York in November 1979;
Considering Resolution EAHG /Res.1 (II) adopted by the 2nd Extra-Ordinary Summit of OAU Heads of State and Government devoted to Economic Matters, held at Lagos, Nigeria in April 1980:
THANKS the Secretary-General of the United Nations for having convened the first Pledging Conference, thus enabling a beginning to be made in mobilizing resources for implementing the programme for the UN Transport and Communications Decade in Africa;
EXPRESSES its satisfaction with the massive attendance of OAU Member States at the Pledging Conference which amply demonstrated that African States are greatly concerned about the improvement of their transport and communication infrastructures;
THANKS all those donors who have so far made material and financial pledges to the fulfillment of the Decade Programme;
URGES African and other international financial institutions, especially the ADB, AFD and BADEA, and developed countries to pledge funds either on a bilateral or multi-lateral basis for the realization of the various projects within the United Nations Transport and Communications Decade for Africa;
INVITES the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to provide resources for the Special Fund to the implementation of the programme of the UN Transport and Communications Decade in Africa;
CALLS ON all African States to give due priority, in their National Transport and Communications Plans, to projects contained in the UN Transport and Communications Decade for Africa as adopted in the Lagos Plan of Action;
URGES all African States to fully participate in the forthcoming UNESCO Inter-governmental Conference on Communications Policy in Africa scheduled to be held in Yaounde, (Cameroon) from 22 to 28 July, 1980;
EXPRESSES its appreciation to the OAU and ECA Secretariats for the work done so far and encourages them to continue with their efforts towards the implementation of the Decade Programme;
REQUESTS the Secretary-General in collaboration with the Executive Secretary of ECA to explore new approaches towards mobilizing financial and other resources for the implementation of the Decade Programme;
FURTHER REQUESTS the Secretary-General in collaboration with the Executive Secretary of ECA to report back to the Thirty-seventh Session of the Council of Ministers on the progress of the implementation of the Decade Programme and the results of their efforts to mobilize additional resources.