Resoluttion on the Strengthening of the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU)

CM/Res.809 (XXXV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity meeting in its Thirty- fifth Ordinary Session in Freetown, Sierra Leone, from 18 to 28 June, 1980,

Having taken note of the Report of the OAU Secretary-General on Specialized Agencies contained in Document CM/1040 (XXXV) Part IV,

Recalling the provisions of the Resolutions adopted by the OAU Labour Commission in its Third and Fourth Sessions held in Tunis (Tunisia 1978) and in Mogadishu (Somalia 1979) which have been subsequently endorsed by the Thirty- first and Thirty-third Sessions of the Council of Ministers,

Considering the activities undertaken by the OATUU in its field of competence in 1979:

  1. CONGRATULATES the OATUU on the remarkable progress made in the realization of its objectives within the short period of its existence;

  1. APPRECIATES OATUU’s policies to encourage National Trade Unions to actively participate and contribute to the development strategies of their countries and also in the realization of the Lagos Plan of Action;

  1. REQUESTS the OAU Member States to assist the OATUU in its efforts to strengthen and consolidate African Trade Union Unity at all levels and its endeavors to stamp out in the process the negative external influences and in particular those of the non-African Trade Unions in the internal affairs of the African Trade Unions by complying with the policy of non-affiliation as enshrined in the constitution of OATUU.

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