Resolution on the situation in Southern Africa


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Fortieth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 27 to February to 5 March 1984,

Having examined the report of the Forty-first Ordinary Session of the Co- ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa,

Having taken note of the statements made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of Mozambique and the Minister of External Relations of the People’s of the Republic of Angola,

Recalling Resolution 111(XIX) adopted by the Nineteenth Summit Conference of the OAU Heads of State and Government held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in June 1983,

Taking note of the pertinent resolutions adopted by the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly on the situation in Southern Africa,

Taking also note of the relevant part of the Political Declaration adopted by the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the Heads of delegation of the Non-Aligned Countries held in New York during the Thirty-eighth Session of the United Nations General Assembly in October 1983,

Seriously concerned with the deterioration of the situation in Southern Africa due to the systematic destabilizing and aggressive policy of South Africa against neighboring independent States,

Conscious of the sacrifices being made by the Frontline States in the name of Africa for the total liberation of our Continent,

Firmly convinced that the apartheid regime constitutes the sole obstacle to peace and security in Africa and in particular to Southern Africa,

Further convinced that only majority rule based on free and fair exercise of universal adult suffrage in a united and non-fragmented South Africa can lead to a lasting peace in Southern Africa,

Considering that the undeclared war being waged by the apartheid regime against sovereign States of the region constitutes a threat to peace and security in Africa and to international peace in general:

  1. EXPRESSES its DEEP CONCERN for the undeclared war being waged by racist South Africa against the independent States of Southern Africa which constitutes a serious threat to peace and security in Africa and to international peace in general;

  1. VIGOROUSLY DENOUNCES the intensification of destabilizing military, political and economic actions carried out by the racist regime of South Africa against the independent States in the region, particularly Angola, Lesotho and Mozambique;

  1. CONDEMNS the South African regime for its destabilizing policy against neighboring countries and particularly the recruitment, training and financing of armed bandits and mercenaries directed against the independent and sovereign States in the regions;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the military occupation of parts of the territory of the People’s Republic of Angola by the racist South African Army, in violation of its national sovereignty and territorial integrity and of the elementary principles of international law;

  2. DEMANDS the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the South African occupation Army from the territory of Angola according to the pertinent resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and of the OAU;

  1. FULLY SUPPORTS the efforts and measure undertaken by the Angolan Government, according to Article 51 of the United Nations Charter in order to guarantee and safeguard its territorial integrity and national sovereignty;

  1. CONDEMNS the South African’s barbaric raids against the Kingdom of Lesotho and against the People’s Republic of Mozambique;

  1. DEMANDS the immediate cessation of acts of aggression and destabilization carried out by the Pretoria regime against the independent and sovereign States of the region;

  1. REAFFIRMS that the policy of apartheid is a crime against the conscience and dignity of the whole mankind, and is incompatible with the Charters of the United Nations and the OAU and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

  1. PAYS TRIBUTE to the Frontline States and to the Kingdom of Lesotho for the sacrifices being made in resisting against the policy of blackmail and intimidation of the apartheid regime aiming at forcing them to give up their firm and courageous position which they have always adopted towards the struggles of the peoples of Namibia and South Africa;


diplomatic efforts undertaken by the Governments of the People’s Republic of Mozambique in order to preserve their independence and national sovereignty, thus giving their contribution in seeking a solution to the serious situation prevailing in Southern Africa;

  1. URGES all the African States and all justice and peace-loving peoples to give their political diplomatic and financial and material support to the independent States, the reason in particular to Angola, Lesotho and Mozambique.

  1. UNDERTAKES to take all necessary steps to consider appropriate ways and means of helping the Liberation Movements in Southern Africa to pursue the struggle for the independence of Namibia and the elimination of apartheid in South Africa.

* The Representative of Cameroon abstained from taking part in the adoption of this resolution. The full text of his declaration is annexed to the Plenary Rapporteur’s Report.

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