Resolution on the Celebration of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the OAU

CM/Res.1131 (XLVII)



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Forty-seventh Ordinary Session, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 22 to 27 February 1988,

Taking note of the interim report of the Programme Committee for the celebration of the Twenty-fifth (25th) Anniversary of the Organization of African Unity (Document CM/1482 (XLVII)),

Recalling the relevant clauses of resolution CM/Res.1078 (XLV) adopted by the Forty-fifth Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers held in Addis Ababa, from 23 to 28 February 1987,

Considering that after a quarter of a century of existence, the time has come to take stock of the achievements and failures of our Organization and identify its future prospects,

Desirous of making this a memorable occasion both at Headquarters and in Member States:

  1. ADOPTS the proposals on the events to commemorate the 25th

Anniversary as contained in the report of Committee A;

  1. CONGRATULATES the Programme Committee on its interim report and urges it to finalize the programme contained in its report before the end of May 1988;

  1. REQUESTS all Member States, regional and sub-regional offices of the OAU, Liberation Movements, Specialized Institutions of the OAU, Organizations with OAU Observer Status, to take all necessary steps to ensure that the Twenty-fifth Anniversary is celebrated with pomp and pageantry and to make national and international opinion aware of the objectives of the OAU.

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