Resolution on the Refugee Situation in Africa

CM/Res.1278 (LII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifty- second Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 3 to 8 July 1990,

Having considered the Activity Report of the OAU Commission of Fifteen on Refugees (CM/1606 (LII)),

Deeply concerned with the persistent problem of refugees in African and the alarming deterioration of the living conditions of the refugees, particularly the most vulnerable groups such as women, children, the disabled and the aged,

Aware that the serious situation arising form Africa’s problem of refugees and displaced persons, currently estimated at 5 million and 12 million, respectively, places a heavy social and economic burden on the countries affected by the presence of these uprooted persons,

Noting with grave concern the diminishing resources available to refugees in Africa,

Expressing gratitude to the countries of asylum for the great sacrifice they are making in providing asylum for refugees in the spirit of African solidarity and traditional hospitality,

Convinced that Africa, with her current socio-economic problems, cannot solve this distressing problem alone without the assistance of the international community,

Recognizing that continued efforts of the UNHCR, governmental and non-governmental organizations together with other members of the international community, in giving assistance to African refugees:

  1. COMMENDS the OAU Commission of Fifteen on Refugees and TAKES NOTE with great concern of the useful report presented on the situation of refugees in Africa;

  1. CONGRATULATES all Member States of the OAU that have been extending assistance and granting asylum to refugees in Africa, together with those countries of origin that have made possible and facilitated the voluntary repatriation of their citizens living in exile, in close collaboration with international organizations especially UNHCR;

CM/Res.1278 (LII)

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  1. APPEALS to other Member States concerned to consider creating the necessary conducive political atmosphere in order to enable the voluntary repatriation of refugees to their countries of origin to take place;

  1. CALLS UPON UNHCR to continue to promote the voluntary repatriation of refugees in accordance with its universal mandate, principles and practices whenever conditions permit;

  1. CALLS FURTHER UPON Member States, the UNHCR and such other Organizations, national and international, as may be involved in refugee work in Africa, to give special attention to the plight of vulnerable categories of refugees, namely, women, children, the aged and the disabled;

  1. REQUESTS Member States concerned to consider holding whenever possible, meetings and exhibitions at national and regional levels for the purpose of focusing on all issues relating to the presence of refugees in the region, with a view to working out lasing solutions to the problems at hand;

  1. REQUESTS FURTHER the OAU Secretary-General, in collaboration with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the African Groups in Geneva and New York, and the OAU Commission of Fifteen on Refugees to explore, after evaluating the results of the first two international conferences, the possibility of convening a Third International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa and report back to Council in its Fifty-fourth Ordinary Session;

  1. ACCEPTS, in principle, and with profound gratitude the kind offer of the Government of the Sudan to host, following consultations with the OAU Commission of Fifteen on Refugees, one of its sessions for the purpose of sensitizing the general public of the plight of refugees;

  1. EXPRESSES ITS HIGH APPRECIATION to the UNHCR for its contribution in alleviating the plight of African refugees and REQUESTS it to give adequate attention to the African region in drawing up and in implementing its programs of assistance;

  1. COMMENDS the International community, for the humanitarian assistance it has continued to render to refugees and displaced persons as well as to countries of asylum, and APPEALS to the donor community to increase its resources towards assisting refugees in Africa, to match the magnitude of the problem.

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