Resolution on the Campaign Against the Piracy of Musical Literary and Artistic Works

CM/Res.1418 (LVI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifty-sixth Ordinary Session in Dakar, Senegal, from 22 to 28 June 1992,

Recalling the fact that it is the duty of Member States to use the natural and human resources of the Continent to ensure the overall developments of the African peoples in all spheres of human endeavor especially in the field of intellectual creativity,

Aware of the need to ensure the promotion and protection of cultural values for the economic and social development of Member States,

Desirous of preserving the cultural identity of the African people, Concerned over the protection of Africa’s literary and artistic heritage,

Noting with satisfaction the scope and volume of production of musical, literary and artistic works in Africa,

Concerned however, over the piracy of which such musical, literary and artistic works are subject and the attendant economic, social and moral consequences for African creative producers and the cultural industries,

Committed to the campaign against piracy and determined to protect the cultural heritage of the African States:

  1. CALLS ON Member States to take at national level, the necessary legislative, administrative and other measures with a view to eradicate the piracy of musical, literary and artistic works;

  1. FURTHER CALLS ON these States which have not yet acceded to the international conventions on the protection of copyrights particularly those of Bern, Rome and Paris to do so;

  1. URGES Member States to support all activities undertaken by international organizations and institutions involved in protecting copyrights and containing the piracy;

  1. CALLS ON the Secretary-General to encourage and organize wide-ranging consultations, ministerial and expert levels, to ensure better harmonization of legislative and other measures in the campaign against piracy, in cooperation with the competent international institutions;

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  1. URTHER CALLS ON the Secretary-General to report on this question to the Council of Ministers as and when appropriate.

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