Resolution on the Situation in Angola

CM/Res.1626 (LXIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Sixty-Third Ordinary-Session in-Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 26 - 28 February 1996,

Having considered the Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Angola, contained in Doc. CM/1934 (LXIII) Rev.1,

Noting with satisfaction the recent positive developments in the implementation of the Lusaka Protocol,

Having heard the statement made by the Vice Minister of External Relations of Angola on the evolution of the general situation in the context of the peace process in the country,

Noting with concern the continued violation of Angola Air Space by pirate air crafts proceeding from the territories of some neighbouring countries,

Emphasizing the obligation of all countries to respect the relevant Resolution of the United Nations Security Council and the need to refrain from any act capable of jeopardizing the peace effort and National Reconciliation in Angola,

Aware of the contributions made by the International Community, in particular the United Nations and the observer

Countries to the peace process in Angola, in order to assist the Angolan parties involved in restoring peace, confidence and stability:

  1. REAFFIRMS its total support for the peace process in Angola;

  1. EXPRESSES its appreciation to the OAU and the United Nations Organization, in particular the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General, as well as to the Observer Countries involved in the peace process in Angola, for their continued efforts in supporting the implementation of the Lusaka Protocol;

  2. FURTHER EXPRESSES its appreciation for the recent initiative by the Angolan Government, which is aimed at sustaining and accelerating the implementation of the Lusaka Protocol, namely, through the:

    1. Adoption by the National Assembly of political principles which should govern the Constitutional review aimed at adapting the current legal and political system to changes resulting

from the peace process;

    1. The encampment of the Rapid Police-Force;

    1. The return of the Angolan Armed Forces (AAF) to the barracks, withdrawing them from the positions closer to the UNITA forces encampment areas;

    2. Termination of contract with the South African Company known as "EXECUTIVE OUTCOMES" under which military experts providing services to the Government were repatriated;

    3. The release of all prisoners of war.

  1. URGES UNITA to comply with the provisions of the Lusaka Protocol and to honour the commitment made towards their definitive implementation, as provided for in the relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions;

  2. FURTHER URGES UNITA to place its forces in the agreed confinement areas, by respecting the equipment, as well as the military personnel it is sending to the confinement areas;

  3. ENCOURAGES the holding of the planned fourth meeting in Gabon under the auspices of President Omar Songo, between the Angolan Head of State and the UNITA Leader as soon as the conditions have been fulfilled;

  4. EXPRESSES SATISFACTION with the outcome of the Round Table during which pledges were made in favour of the Community Rehabilitation Programme and URGES the institutio ns and the donor countries to honour their commitments;

a. FURTHER EXPRESSES ITS CONCERN over the continued violation of the Angolan air- space by unidentified aircraft and URGES the countries concerned neighbouring Angola to contribute positively to ending such acts which violates the- Security Council resolutions;

9. CALLS ON the Secretary-General to continue to monitor the situation and report thereon to the Sixty-Fourth Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers.

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