Decision on the Structure, Human Resources Requirements and Conditions of Service for the Staff of the Commission and Their Financial Implications


Doc. EX/CL/39(111)

The Executive Council,

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of the PRC,


  1. On the Structure

  1. That the grading of the Heads of the AU Regional and Representational Offices be maintained as proposed by the PRC;

  2. That the integration of the NEPAD Secretariat into the AU Commission should be gradual with a Coordinating Unit of not more than five (5) staff and should commence after the Maputo Summit with a possible duration of three (3) years or until the AU Structures are fully operational or whichever comes first;

  3. That an Information Officer at grade P2 level be added to the staff complement of the AU Lilongwe office;

  4. That a cultural/information officer at grade P2 be added to the staff complement of the AU Cairo office;

  5. That the recommendation for a Steering Committee for the IBAR office should apply to all the Scientific and Technical Offices with the understanding that Donors and other Partners will cover the expense of their participation;

  6. That the grade of the PATTEC Coordinator be raised to P4 and that of the Assistant Coordinator be maintained at P2;

  7. That the Commission, in collaboration with the PRC, should undertake a review of the Regional and Representational Offices with the view to providing them with adequate personnel;

  1. On the Salary Scale/Structure and other Conditions of Service

  1. To adopt the SADC Salary Scale with ten (10) steps in all its grades and with an annual increment for the Professional Staff;

  2. To adopt for the Members of the Commission, salary scale as follows:

  • Commissioners: Grade DI step 10 of the SADC model with an addition of fifteen percent (15%);

  • Deputy Chairperson: Grade DI step 10 of the SADC model with an addition of thirty-two and a half percent (32.50%);

  • Chairperson: Grade DI step 10 of the SADC model with an addition of fifty percent (50%).

To adopt for the Commission, the SADC Daily Subsistence Allowance rate (DSA) as follows:

  • Chairperson: SADC DSA rate (i.e. UN DSA) PLUS 40%;

  • Deputy Chairperson: SADC DSA rate (i.e. UN DSA) plus 30%;

  • Commissioners and all other staff of the Commission: SADC DSA rate (i.e. UN DSA) plus 20%.

To adopt the principle of a regular review of the salary scale for Members of the Commission and all other categories of staff of the Commission with a frequency of every five (5) years.

  1. On the AU Quota System

  1. To adopt the principle of allocating to each Member State a minimum number of four (4) staff on quota and the remaining number of post be distributed on the basis of assessed contribution of each Member State;

  2. That the Elected Officials and Staff on special appointments as well as the General Service Category Staff be excluded from the Quota.

  1. On Recruitment

  1. That recruitment for posts within Grade GSA 4 and above be opened to all nationals of Member States for both international and local recruitment;

  2. That posts below GSA 4 be opened to all nationals of Member States but recruitment be strictly on local terms.

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