Decision on the Situation in Angola

Doc. EX/CL/42 (III)f

The Executive Council:

  1. EXPRESSES ITS SATISFACTION at the progress made in the consolidation of peace and reconstruction in Angola and COMMENDS the Angolan Government for all the measures taken to this end;

  2. REITERATES its appeal to Member States and the international community to contribute further to po st-conflict reconstruction efforts and provide the requisite humanitarian assistance to the needy populations;

  3. UNDERSCORES the importance of demining, as well as assistance to victims of landmines and the rehabilitation of mined areas, for the successful socio-economic reconstruction of Angola, WELCOMES the proposal made by Angola to convene a continental conference on the problem of anti-personnel mines, including the status of implementation of the Ottawa Convention, and REQUESTS the Commission to facilitate the rapid organization of the said Conference.

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