Decision on WTO Negotiations

DOC. EX.CL/117 (V)

The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report;

  2. CALLS UPON Africa to remain engaged in the WTO negotiations and contribute positively to efforts aimed at reinvigorating the Doha Work Programme in which development issues should remain at the center-stage;

  3. REQUESTS African countries to remain united amongst themselves in WTO negotiations;

  4. TAKES INTO ACCOUNT the areas of convergence between the G90 and G20 and hence the need to maintain a strategic alliance, CALLS UPON both groups to maintain synergies of their positions and strengthen their unity and solidarity, having due regard to the need for flexibility as and when appropriate during the WTO negotiations;

  5. RECOGNIZES that the development challenges facing LDCs are unique and SUPPORTS the call to extend to them, bound duty-free and quota free market access;

  6. RECOGNIZES ALSO that there are considerable differences in the level of development between developing countries, URGES Member States to consider the need to review with development partners the existing system of country classification in the multilateral trading system in order to address their development needs, with due regard to safeguarding the interests of all developing countries;

  7. DECIDES that the following two documents shall provide technical guidance and policy space for the engagement of African Trade officials and negotiators with their counterparts:

The Kigali Declaration on the Doha Work Programme The Kigali Consensus on the Post-Cancun Doha Work Programme.

  1. CALLS ON African Union Ministers of Trade to participate effectively in the G90 Ministers of Trade meeting to be held in Mauritius on 12 - 13 July 2004.

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