Decision on the Digital Solidarity Fund

DOC. EX.CL/140 (V) Add.l

The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of the Chairperson of the Commission;

  2. RECALLS its Decision EX/CL/Dec.87 (IV);

  3. APPROVES the recommendations made by African Ministers for Information and Communication Technologies at their meeting in Dakar from 19 to 20 April 2004;

  4. CALLS UPON the Member States to support the Digital Solidarity Fund and its effective implementation;

  5. APPEALS to Local Communities, Civil Society Organizations and the Private Sector to contribute to the Digital Solidarity Fund;

  6. REAFFIRMS its commitment to ensure that Africa benefits from all the opportunities afforded by Information and Communication Technologies for the economic and social development of the Continent;

  7. REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union to spare no efforts for the popularisation of the Fund among the African peoples, including the Diaspora;

  8. FURTHER REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission to take all the necessary measures to encourage the participation of Local Communities, Civil Society Organizations and the Private Sector to ensure the success of this all important initiative.

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