Decision on the Implementation of the PATTEC Initiative

Doc. EX.CL/157 1VU

The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report;

  2. ACKNOWLEDGES with appreciation the progress made in the work of the Commission in increasing awareness, mobilising support and coordinating the activities to advance Africa’s war against Tsetse- transmitted diseases;

  3. WELCOMES the assistance of the African Development Bank Group and other development partners in support of African countries in their efforts to eradicate Trypanosomiasis;

  4. COMMENDS the efforts of those Member States, which have initiated action in mounting operations and laying firm plans and strategies aimed at eliminating the scourge of Tsetse-transmitted diseases from Africa;

  5. URGES all affected countries to increase their commitment and engage the necessary action in response to the obligations of eradicating T rypanosomiasis;

  6. APPEALS to the international community to provide technical and financial assistance in support of the efforts of African countries to eradicate Tsetse-transmitted diseases, in collaboration with the Commission, which is mandated to coordinate the implementation of the activities of the PATTEC initiative;

  7. REQUESTS the Chairperson to continue reminding affected Member States about their individual and collective obligations to the objectives of the Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign, to mobilise resources to support the activities of the campaign on behalf of Member States and to generally consolidate and build its capacity to promote and coordinate the activities of the PATTEC initiative.

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