Decision on TICAD III Africa-Asia Follow-Up Conference, Tokyo, November 2004


The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report;

  2. EXPRESSES appreciation for the role of Japan in enhancing Afro-Asian cooperation through the Tokyo International Conference on Africa’s Development” (TICAD) process;

  3. WELCOMES the Declaration of H.E. Mr. Junichiro Koizuni, Prime Minister of Japan to start the Internet website “TICAD-EXCHANGE” with 8 African countries as a first step and CALLS on Japan to include the rest of the African countries in the programme by the end of 2006;

  4. WELCOMES the invitation of the Japanese Government to host the Fourth TICAD Conference in 2008;

  5. CALLS FOR the effective implementation of the Common Political Framework to enhance Trade and Investment between Africa and Asia signed between NEPAD and TICAD in Tokyo in 2004;

6 CALLS ON Member States, the AU Commission and the TICAD to establish appropriate mechanisms for the promotion of South-South triangular cooperation, particularly, technology transfer;

  1. REQUESTS the Commission to implement, in cooperation with relevant partners, the initiative of Japan’s Prime Minister on the enhancement of Afro-Asian cooperation as announced during the Afro-Asian Trade and Investment Conference (AATIC) in Tokyo in 2004;

  2. MANDATES the Commission to coordinate and harmonise the different initiatives under the TICAD process, and identify the sources of funding and the local and regional African institutions to implement them.

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