Decision on the Status of OAU/AU Treaties

Doc. EX.CL/210 (VIII)

The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Report;

  2. FURTHER TAKES NOTE of the entry into force of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa;

  3. COMMENDS the Chairperson of the Commission for the initiatives and efforts aimed at encouraging Member States to become State Parties to the OAU/AU Treaties;

  4. URGES all Member States to prioritise and accelerate the signing and ratification/accession to OAU/AU Treaties.

  5. APPEALS to the Members of the Pan African Parliament to assist with advocacy and sensitisation of Member States to expedite the process of ratification/accession to OAU/AU treaties;

  6. REQUESTS the Commission to examine the recurring problem of inconsistency between some linguistic texts of some OAU/AU treaties and recommend measures for addressing this issue;

  7. FURTHER REQUESTS the Commission to take the necessary steps to implement the decision of the Fifth Ordinary Session of the Executive Council held in Addis Ababa, in July 2004 on the review of OAU/AU treaties, including the convening of meetings of experts to examine the recommendations of the Executive Council and to elaborate the necessary legal instruments.

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