Decision on the Revised African Regional Nutrition Strategy (RARNS) 2005 – 2015

Doc. EX.CL/225 (VIII)

The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the Revised African Regional Nutrition Strategy (2005-2015);

  2. RECOGNIZES the seriousness of Food insecurity and Nutrition deficiency in Africa and the efforts of Member States towards alleviating them;

  3. ACKNOWLEDGES the role of Nutrition in socio-economic development and the achievement of Millennium Development Goals in Africa;

  4. ENDORSES the Revised African Regional Nutrition Strategy (2005 - 2015);

  5. URGES Member States to mobilize all sectors of the economy in order to accelerate implementation of the Plan of Action of the Revised African Regional Nutrition Strategy (2005 - 2015);

  6. ALSO URGES Member States to take all necessary measures to allocate adequate resources to alleviate the major causes of food and nutrition crisis in Africa;

  7. REQUESTS Member States to utilise the Revised African Regional Nutrition Strategy (2005 — 2015) as a blue-print for drafting their own National Plans of Action for Nutrition (NPAN);

  8. APPEALS to the International Community to continue to provide assistance towards the attainment of the objectives of the Revised African Regional Nutrition Strategy (2005-2015);

  9. ALSO REQUESTS the Commission to Report to the Executive Council on the progress in the implementation of the Plan of Action of the Revised African Regional Nutrition Strategy (2005 - 2015) every two years.

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