Decision on the Structure of the Budget and Modality of Funding

DOC. EX.CL/246 (IX)

The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the report;

  2. DECIDES that the funding of the Budget shall be as follows:

  1. Staff costs, operating expenses, statutory meetings and selected top priority programmes/projects shall be assessed on Member States;

  2. The remaining programme cost shall be financed through donors contributions.

3 ALSO DECIDES as follows;

  1. The Union shall have one integrated budget;

  2. The Assembly shall determine the budget ceiling for the budget in accordance with the following principles:

  1. When preparing the budget, the Commission should present the status of contributions received from Member States;

  2. In no case should any change in the structure of the budget entail a budgetary increase that could affect the contributing capacity of Member States;

  3. The formula of the integrated budget should not be considered as the mechanical merger of the two parts of the budget (operating cost and programme budget);

  4. The principle of ownership and opening up to partners should be taken into consideration during the preparation of the budget;

  5. The principle of reinforcing sanctions against defaulting Member States will be further studied after the Banjul Summit;

  6. Member States should actively contribute to the funding of projects and programmes;

  7. The budget ceiling will be determined according to objective economic parameters such as average GDP growth rates in Member countries, inflation, etc.;

  8. The Scale of Assessment adopted in Sirte, Libya in July 2005 makes it possible to take into account the ability of Member States to pay.

  1. ENCOURAGES Partners/Donors of the Union to work jointly with the Commission towards realization of budgetary support.

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