Decision on the Contributions by Member States

DOC. EX.CL/249 (IX)

The Executive Council:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the report;

  2. APPRECIATES that some of the Member States are up to date with the payment of their contributions to the Regular Budget;

  3. WELCOMES the payment by the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria of a voluntary contribution of US$10 million (Ten million) to the Budget of 2006;

  4. URGES Member States who are in arrears of contribution to take all the necessary measures to pay up their arrears;

  5. DECIDES that temporary and exceptional exemption from sanctions granted to Sierra Leone be extended so long as it honours the agreed payment schedule.

  6. ALSO DECIDES to respond favorably to the appeal by the Republic of Somalia, given the special circumstances faced by that country and write off the total arrears of contributions due by Somalia and agrees that Somalia resumes regular payments of its assessed contributions as from 2007;

  7. AFFIRMS that the following Member States remain under sanctions:

  1. Cape Verde

  2. Central African Republic

  3. Democratic Republic of Congo

  4. Eritrea

  5. Guinea Bissau

  6. Liberia

  7. Mauritania

(viii) Sao Tome & Principe

(ix) Seychelles

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